Dear Colleagues,
As the world is moving towards an Open banking and API Banking, there is a significant /paradigm shift towards Cloud & Data Transformation in the banking & financial sector.
Cloud has become the preferred way to manage, store and transfer data because of its convenience, unmatched scale and economic advantage. It has provided an opportunity for the banking sector to access unlimited amount of customer financial data from anywhere, and interpret this Data to identify newer opportunities and harness it to harness the full potential.
With the rise of mobile banking, fintech and virtual transaction services relevance of Cloud and Data Transformation has gained more momentum.
Banks are switching from their age-old legacy systems to more robust, efficient and modernized platforms and investing heavily in digital technologies including cloud computing, Data governance, AI, Automation, Big Data, IoT that can help create a hospitable environment for growth and opportunity by keeping risk at bay. Despite the regulatory challenges, banks have recognized the importance of digital developments and are working intensively on potential solutions and strategies.
Kinfos Events are proud to launch APAC’s first dedicated banking summit on “Cloud and Data Transformation”. This inaugural edition will be jointly re-presented by some of the top banks and industry leaders. This event will help you obtain latest insights, case studies, best practices and key trends in Cloud computing, big data, Open banking, Tokenization.
We welcome you all to this unique show which will help us to all stay on top of the game.