Free to Attend

Digital Transformation in Banking



DXB Summit is known for its quality networking and focused content on Digital Transformation. This year we’re raising the bar to increase the volume of our attendees by offering complimentary event registration to all qualified senior execs from retail banks, investment banking firms, insurance and certain financial services companies who can commit for a potential meeting with our tech companies at the summit.

Our intention is that these meetings should be high value for both sides therefore you could select the kinds of attendees and their organizations which you’re most interested in meeting. We are committed to arrange these meetings with those who fit your set criteria.

Pre-Requisites and basic conditions.

In order to apply for a VIP Buyers Pass there are certain Pre-Requisites and basic conditions.

  1. You work at Manager level or above
  2. You are responsible for buying and evaluating technologies/ solutions for your company/department
  3. You select the categories of tech which you’re most interested in on the registration page
  4. You are comfortable to be approached for potential meetings at DXB  Summit and happy to accept a minimum of 1 meeting – either virtual or live. (Meetings are scheduled at a time that’s agreeable to both parties)

What the Benefits for you?

  • Complimentary registration to the conference, either virtual or live
  • Free to choose the categories of tech companies which match with your selected areas of interest.
  • You are free to decline any meetings you’re not interested?
  • Access to full attendee list within the virtual tool.
  • Access to international subject matter experts.
  • Post conference presentation slides and notes audio/video recordings.
  • Interactive Q&A sessions with speakers through-out the conference.


Please only apply if you are a senior level executive from a bank, investment banking firm, credit unions or any other financial services institutions who are responsible for making tech purchase decisions.

Please do not apply if you are from a startup or a technology solutions provider or payment processors or a card networks.


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